Did you know that there are over 2 million orphaned children in Kenya? Homeless street children forage the city’s garbage dumps for food, begging or stealing to survive. Children living on the streets are trapped in a cycle of poverty and despair from which it is all but impossible to escape. Flying Kites is a non-profit organization that seeks to raise the standards of care available to the world’s poorest children and strives to give these children the tools they will need – education, imagination, and resolution – to succeed in and contribute to a complex and changing world.
Currently, they are building The Flying Kites Leadership Academy, a home and school for abandoned, abused and orphaned children in Kenya. Located at the foot of the Aberdares Mountains, the center has become home to many children in need. Their goal is to affect change in development practice on a global scale. To ensure sustainability as they replicate the model around the world, they have developed a series of innovative programs that fund their projects and further their mission.
Flying Kites is dedicated to developing a model of childcare that will be extended and replicated, one that will change the way we think about options for disadvantaged children. We must change the way we practice charity and development; as a result, the children themselves will finally be able to change their world.

You might recognize 4mamaearth boardmember and attorney, Francesca Hogi, from a little show called Survivor: Redemption Island. Francesca is an amazing woman and is participating in a trek to Mount Kilamanjaro as part of one of Flying Kites Adventure Challenge trips. One trip to Kilimanjaro will cover all of the costs associated with caring for one child at Flying Kites. Her trip will fund everything from a child’s clothing, food, and school supplies, to their teacher’s and housemother’s salaries for an entire year.
Visit Francesca’s fundraising page to contribute. 4mamaearth’s mission has always been to make it EASY for folks to give and make a change for the better in the world. Please donate now and spread the word!
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