About a Boy

The team here at m.a.m.a. earth loves to share letters and stories we get from our supporters.  We are always humbled that our work is resonating with others around the world and strive to continue to inspire others to be positive, grateful and loving.  Here is a short letter from a mom in Alabama:

Donavon Chase, age 11. This is him on one of his better days when he was actually able to go out and enjoy some skim boarding on the beach.

“I think that what m.a.m.a. earth is doing is outstanding and amazing. My son Donavon is 11 years old and at 2 years of age he was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Marfan Syndrome. To look at him, he seems perfectly healthy, when in actuality, he’s not. His heart is the same size as an adult and due to this illness he will never be able to have a normal childhood. He has already had surgery due to this illness and also had a minor heart attack at the age of 9 that was brought on by throwing a football around with his uncle. He is a big fan of Bruno Mars which is how we discovered m.a.m.a. earth. It pains me so much to see him go through the things he does. He has been limited by his cardiologist to walking. No running, no jumping on the trampoline, no sports, not even riding a bicycle. So he spends his days in a swimming pool trying to strengthen his muscles, and on the computer playing video games and listening to and learning Bruno Mars songs. He also loves playing his guitars, he has an electric and acoustic.

I asked what keeps Donavon thinking positively in the face of these health issues and he replied, “There’s always other things that I can do. I get a lot of encouragement from Bethany Hamilton – the girl who was attacked by a shark in Hawaii. My life is like hers. Having a disability doesn’t mean that you have to give up, but persevere at what you love doing.  Even though I can’t do the things that other boys my age can,  it’s ok because God made me special. He made me like I am so I can help others, like m.a.m.a. earth does.”

Thank you very much. And once again what m.a.m.a. earth is doing is amazing.  -From April McIntyre”

The team at m.a.m.a. earth thanks both of you for sharing your stories.  We all have our challenges, it’s how we face them that matters.


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