Project Om by Mama Earth brings the power of love and healing through music, art and acts of kindness to children and adults in hospitals, shelters, home care, senior homes and inner city schools. We believe that the use of art and helping others promotes healing in the body, mind and spirit.

Coloring Mandalas
Coloring Mandalas art project was initiated in 2011 by Valerie Zaks. It started at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital in Southern California to provide kids with an easier way to express emotions and feelings. Our coloring mandalas project evolved into what we now call Project Om co founded by Occupational Therapist, Ivory Tifa and sponsored by LP-140 and friends. Project OM brings the power of love and healing through art to people in hospitals, shelters, senior homes and inner-city schools. Through Project OM, hospitalized children and other at-risk populations have the opportunity to create artwork and send it to another child or elder in the world to brighten their day. This “healing through helping others” empowers the patient to be in the role of giving back to the community.
Making art can help children deal with Mental health problems, Grief and loss, Learning disabilities, Emotional problems, Abuse of any kind and Cancer or terminal illness. A mandala is a spiritual that can be found in every culture and religion that represents the universe. Coloring Mandalas is a way to express hidden parts of yourself and explore the spiritual process as it unfolds with color and texture. Benefits of Coloring Mandalas include relieving tension, anxiety, fear and worry. Mandalas stimulate creative thinking and problem solving. It’s an ancient art form for all ages.

Studies show that people who volunteer or help others have improved psychological well-being, self-esteem, health and happiness*. We believe that art and helping others promotes healing in the body, mind and spirit.
Participants in Project OM:
- Kaiser Permanente Valley Home Health; San Fernando Valley, CA
- DUCO program (Department of Unaccompanied Children’s Operations); Greater LA area
- John’s Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; Baltimore, MD
- Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (inpatient acute care unit and outpatient infusion center); Loma Linda, CA
- Rosewood Villa ALF; Bellingham, WA
- Kaiser Permanente Geriatric Acute Care Unit; Woodland Hills, CA
To get involved, print mandalas from the link below. Color and mail to:
Project OM
c/o Ivory Tifa
428 West Stocker St. #3
Glendale, CA 91202