m.a.m.a. earth celebrates the many ways that we can make positive change in our communities around the world. As this week marks World Doula Week, we are celebrating the sentiment that it’s not just the making of babies, but the making of mothers that is the miracle of birth.
What is a doula? A Doula is a woman experienced in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after childbirth. The purpose of World Doula Week is to empower doulas all over the world to improve the physiological, social, emotional, and psychological health of women, newborns and families in birth and in the postpartum period. World Doula Week events are taking place all over the world this week, celebrating the benefits of the presence of doulas in birth and in the postpartum period.
Did you know that the presence of a doula at childbirth:
- reduces the incidence of c-section
- may shorten the length of labor
- reduces epidural and analgesic requests
- increases breastfeeding initiation and continuation and
- reduces the incidence of postpartum mood disorders and increases a mother’s satisfaction with her birth experience?

Enter stage left: Peaces of Love, made by m.a.m.a. earth sister, artist, doula, designer and all around creative being, Javoni. (Fun fact: Javoni’s husband is Dwayne Dugger – the super-talented saxophonist in Bruno Mars’ band!)She produces these beautifully wearable kimono robes and if you order one now, a portion of proceeds will support Doulas of Love pay for a teen or single “low income” mother’s doula services.
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