Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016! New Years Day is always exciting because it is a new opportunity to start over and do all the things you’ve been meaning to. A new year is a clean slate to challenge ourselves to become more fully activated in our visions for our lives. Resolutions typically assume that our best behavior will somehow not waiver and protect us from falling off “the path.” And then anywhere between two days and three weeks into this new year, oops….Mission Resolution aborted.

Certified Holistic Health Coach, Erika Elizondo
Certified Holistic Health Coach, Erika Elizondo

What happens to us by mid-February? Why do we always seem to need yet another Monday to start over? Could it be our foundation isn’t built in a way to sustain our resolutions? You can’t plant seeds in concrete because they’ll never grow. This holds true for us as well. We need to till and fertilize the soil of our character to have the beauty we imagine begin to blossom in our lives. We don’t need resolutions; we need reprogramming. And affirmations and meditation are wonderful vantage points that when practiced consistently, naturally repel the inauthentic and attract the magic we so crave to live with on a moment to moment basis. So this year let’s resolve to “BE” in lieu of striving for something outside of us.

Affirmations Graphic

Here are some affirmations to repeat to yourself daily. You can also create your own, using the present tense “I am” to create the character necessary for you to become all you are called to be!

“I am calm. I trust in Divine Order to magnetize my Highest Good and greatest joy to me in every way and every day.”

“I love my body. It is perfect and is my ally. I naturally crave that which is nourishing to my mind, body and soul.”

“I am abundant. The river of blessings finds a happy pathway into my life and I flow with it, trusting more is always on its way.”

“I am perfectly healthy and completely healed.”

“I forgive easily and effortlessly. I release regret and allow it to be transformed into Wisdom.”

About Erika Elizondo: Erika Elizondo is a certified Holistic Health Coach who developed the original 40 Day Healing Journey in 2010, after being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – an autoimmune disease. As disappointing as the diagnosis was, it provided the opportunity to wake up.  Through devoted study and the development of her 40 Day Healing Journey, she completely reversed her blood work back to normal without medication. Erika discovered that a congested liver is the root of all illness and made it her mission to clean it up. Since then, Erika has led hundreds of people through this healing journey and will be contributing to the Mama Blog in 2016! Learn more HERE >>


