Tag: mama earth
Supporting dignity for women in need.
Whew! The last year was a bit of a whirlwind – to say the least – producing the Common Culture: Across the Water show at Ford Theatres in Hollywood. The concert, which was a great success, aimed to shine a light on several non-profit organizations including #HappyPeriod, a growing movement started by former stylist, Chelsea Warner, that is bringing…
Drum roll, please!
We are so excited to announce that Mama Earth will be part of the historic Ford Theatres grand re-opening season after complete renovation with new stage, new lights and new sound! Common Culture: Across the Water is a concert that celebrates intersections of island culture in Los Angeles. The concert brings together internationally-known, critically-acclaimed musicians and…
Art Therapy for Kids in Hospital
Mama Earth is an LA based community organization founded in 2007. Our mission is to use the power of art, music and nature to make a change for the better, locally and globally. We partner with schools, universities, community centers, hospitals and more to present all ages enrichment classes & events. The Mama Earth family…
Welcome to 2016
Welcome to 2016! New Years Day is always exciting because it is a new opportunity to start over and do all the things you’ve been meaning to. A new year is a clean slate to challenge ourselves to become more fully activated in our visions for our lives. Resolutions typically assume that our best behavior…
Lessons of 2015: Don’t Feed the Animals
An old grandfather told his grandson: “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, and resentment. The other is good. It is joy, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and bravery.” The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man…
About a Boy
The team here at m.a.m.a. earth loves to share letters and stories we get from our supporters. We are always humbled that our work is resonating with others around the world and strive to continue to inspire others to be positive, grateful and loving. Here is a short letter from a mom in Alabama: “I…
nourishing our neighbors
Our mission at m.a.m.a. earth is promote art, music and nature to make a change for the better. We also do our best to shine a light on non-profit organizations that our doing good work all over the world. Since 2008, m.a.m.a. earth and resident papa Eugene Cooke, have been creating events, classes and workshops…
Greetings From Oklahoma
Every so often, the team at 4m.erdd.us receives a message from one of our supporters that reminds us why we’re compelled to continue this project. Our audience has most definitely gone global but being that today is Independence Day in the USA, we thought it appropriate to share an American story with you. During our…
Making Jewelry at the Cottage
The 4mamaearth team is continuing our series of girls’ workshops at the Women’s Care Cottage (a program of Volunteers of America that assists young women ages 18-21 coming out of foster care) in North Hollywood with the intention to have fun and share ways to inspire, shift attitudes, create confidence, and cultivate a sense of empowerment and…
One more chance to get the LOVE GROWS Tshirt & jacket!
We have to say thank you again to all those that donated to our Rockethub crowd-funding campaign during the month of April. The money we raised has helped to fund our continuing classes and workshops for kids and adults that we present in partnership with schools and community organizations in Southern California and Atlanta. Many…